Saturday, December 19, 2009

Senator Ben Nelson

I had missed some of the Glenn Beck episodes, and was checking them out today.
I came across this piece on Sen. Ben Nelson

Do you really think Glenn had to check 3 times to make sure this story was on the level ?
I don't think so, because I don't think this administration is beyond bribery.
I did get this clip from YouTube, and I always check out the comments, and I have noticed the same comments from the same people.
It seems that a limited number of people do their best to put negative comments on clips that discredit Obama and his crew, and they always have the same things to say.
Calling the right crazy, and the tea party movement racist and redneck.
I wonder if it is just one person that just has the hots for Obama, you know just a crush thing, and they hate to see anyone say anything bad about him.
I have found that some cities on the R&R section of Craigslist have the man-crush guys for Obama, and they seem to be on 24/7
What they cant flag and get deleted, they respond to with the typical cracks at Palin and Bush to throw people off the subject.
I am all for free speech, but you would think that just 10 minutes out of the day, these left wing nuts would take a picture of Obama into the bathroom and........well........
You know.
Anyway, I would post a picture here for them, but I figure they could look down at their T-shirt and see his smiling face.

Merry Christmas


Sandee said...

Chicago politics are alive and well in the white house. It starts at the top and trickles down. Hurry up elections. Hurry up. This administration is going to beat out the Carter administration as the worst ever.

Have a terrific day. :)

Josh said...

"I have noticed the same comments from the same people.
It seems that a limited number of people do their best to put negative comments on clips that discredit Obama and his crew, and they always have the same things to say."

The really, really far left is rumored to hire trolls that create 60 YouTube accounts and browse around spouting their garbage. They're loyalists of the HuffPo, Kos and other radically left weblications.

I've never really looked into it to see if it was true. It makes enough sense to where, if I believe it and it's not true, there's really no harm done. It's a non-factor. There could just as easily be kooks out there doing it in their spare time. Either way it's pointless.

But I see 'em everywhere. And with this political climate, more are being created. Even blogs touting themselves to be something else entirely have turned into far-left liberal mirrors, reflecting what's found on junk news and the rest of the blogosphere.

It's all laughable at this point. The more progressive liberalism that is shown to the public, the less the public wants.

It's mean and nasty and bigoted and only caters to niches and is all the same things they claim the right to be but never manage to prove. And what's more: it costs trillions above and beyond what our minds can comprehend to not even come close to bringing in the kinds of results the regular people could.

So I'm glad some of them are spending their time on weak, plagiarized blogs and on YouTube. It means less of them in the street biting off fingers.