Oh yeah, lightning is going to be striking all over D.C. now. I cant believe people can look at us through a camera and let the crap fall out of their mouths like it did today. The first one to be struck is
This piece of garbage. She tried to lay blame, listen...
She knows what the problem is. Here is a great example
Years ago we had deadly Tylenol. The government rushed in and confiscated the remaining bottles, investigated why and how it happened, and used it's power to bring about the sealed containers.
She knows what the problem is. Here is a great example
Years ago we had deadly Tylenol. The government rushed in and confiscated the remaining bottles, investigated why and how it happened, and used it's power to bring about the sealed containers.
There was a problem with Firestone tires on new vehicles blowing out and causing SUV's to crash, and people were getting killed. The government investigated and worked to have a recall so the defective tires could be replaced.
Where was the government when the sub-prime mess started ? Did they issue a warning, or let us know about the predatory lending practices that were happening ? George Bush was warning us back in 2001.
John McCain told us about the problems back in 2006
John McCain told us about the problems back in 2006
By the way, did you notice the change in Barney's views on the whole thing ? There's another lightning strike for ya
Pelosi is an idiot.
You're so good and all this! You and Joe should run for office.
Excellent...linked back to ya!
Shut the frak up, Pelosi. You GD ugly scumbag. Just shut up and choke on your liberal bullshit.
What is frightening is that some of these youtube posts are being taken down almost as fast as they go up. Yesterday's was removed. I didn't hit today's yet. They scare the heck out of me the way they are being censored.
Not to mention they didn't need any Republican votes to pass this thing. Where was her blame of the 95 democrats that voted against it? By the way I'd like to thank them for voting against it.
Wow, so much crap it is getting hard just to wade through. I don't even watch the news anymore, because I get so angry and then my son "says mommy whats wrong?"
So I come here to keep up with everything. lol
Really thank you for sharing all your posts, information and videos.
Nancy Pelosi and her brethren are criminals. While she's busy giving PAC money to her husband the Republican repeatedly called for oversight on Fran and Fred.
Barney Frank is a tool.
Excellent post!
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