Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Joy Behar Is Educating Us All

Here is your modern day liberal.

Here is your defeated left wing.

Yes indeed, she has nothing else to say, not one good word about her incumbent Harry Reid, just attack Sharon Angle.

And whats the big deal with coming to the South Bronx ? Is she admitting that it is a trash hole right there in her back yard that people should be afraid of ? Is she playing some sort of race card ?

The best part was Behar screaming about Angle going to hell. Behar is supposed to be an Agnostic, pretty much the same as an atheist.

Please don't try to school me on the difference because when it comes down to it, she does not believe in god, so why would she think someone would go to hell ?

Behar is nothing but a twisted bitter prune, but she is doing a great job showing the liberals for what they really are


Sandee said...

Behar is nothing but a twisted bitter prune, but she is doing a great job showing the liberals for what they really are!!! BINGO.

Have a terrific day. :)

Jeremy Janson said...

I too have noticed that liberals today seem to be, in general, the absolute essence of poor breeding - condescension, born dishonesty, no manners, no respect for anyone around them, no real desire to keep a debate conversable or listen or understand anyone. Just a strong tendency to put their little agenda and plan before everyone and everything else, sort of like Mr. Hammer from Dr. Horribles Sing Along Blog.