Thursday, September 16, 2010

250,000 Is Not A Magic Number

The elected officials came back to D.C. a couple days ago, and it seems to me the only thing on their minds is the Bush tax cuts

Granted, this may be an important issue, but in my mind there is another issue that should embarrass every one of us, and should take center stage.

Debbie Stabenow seems like she wants to help

I am a fan of Glenn Beck, and I was all for his " Faith, Hope, and Charity " event back on 8/28, but it seems to me that this would be the biggest thing someone could do to help your fellow man, to stand with you brother, to step up and make sure your brother, your fellow man, your Countryman has food, shelter, and maybe some dignity.

Check out this guy....

We should all be ashamed.

I frequent this site Unemployed-Friends and read their stories, and read how I can help. I have used the information on the site to call email Washington and ask that something be done to help these people.

Today, I have a roof over my head, and some food on my shelves, and I am thank full. I have the ability at this time to get more, but what if ????

This man was no different than any of us just a short time ago, and because of the way the market and the economy went, he was tossed aside.

If I do not speak for him now, then who will speak for me ?

If you do not stand for these people, then who will stand for you when you need someone ?


Jeremy Janson said...

Well it's something but I think it would be a lot simpler if instead we just said that unemployment time limits don't apply, at all, during Federally declared recessions. It's not like you can just take Unemployment money without doing something - my mother is on unemployment, and if she doesn't, three times a week, either apply for a job or take a skills course, she doesn't get benefits. And if she actually gets one of those jobs, and she refuses it, she has to provide a valid reason IN WRITING to the WorkSource office.

WorkSource works, why can't we just trust it? As for tax incentives for hiring people, that might create economic distortions. Far more intelligent to let the market set the price of labor and the kinds of production that the market needs. Tax incentives, especially when done for reasons unrelated to valid, long-term externalities (such as education, pollution, transportation, use of land...) often lead to excessive growth in unnecesaries and too little growth in things that are actually useful. Still, I would probably support the bill right now just because it's the only thing Congress is likely to produce for a while, even if it does get an "F" in Econ 101.

I now know what my next blogpost will be.

Jeremy Janson said...

It's up! I'm also putting up a piece on Senator Boxer that I think might lose her a county or two if sufficient people saw it! ;)