Monday, May 21, 2012
Laura Ingraham Naked
Maybe I should say I was a fan.
Bill is working into his side of the debates he has with his guest's by calling himself the devils advocate. I just do not see the use of doing that. He has informed guests on his show at times, and I think he should take what they say at face value. If they speak in a manner that supports what he thinks, than great, if not, than prove them wrong in front of them and wait for comment.
Whats wrong with that ?
I am losing faith in Bill.
Which brings me to my post title, a naked Laura Ingraham.
I happened to switch on the factor tonight, and there she was filling in for Bill, with Bill as her first guest.
I want a prime time anchor with some balls that will present us with some facts, and maybe if there is some time left in the last few moments, Laura Ingraham naked
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Has it been a year ?
I guess I just got tired of watching folks go blindly into our countries future.
With the way Romney has come up through the primaries, and the lack of attendance at the Obama functions here lately, maybe there is hope.
Maybe I could post again.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Same Old Thing

Today I listened to a news report about how the Government is planning to do away with the emergency response system we have now, you know the one that interrupts the TV and radio with the loud beeping and then tells you " This is just a test "
From what I understand, we are to get special chips in our cell phones that will alert us to danger, special messages straight from the desk of Obama.
That would put them right in my pocket, capable of contacting me, and keeping track of me, maybe like a little lojack thing.
That doesn't sound like freedom, sounds like someone watching over me.
Which is why I posted my head in the sand pic.
Didn't we hear back when this Obama debacle started that our rights and liberties would be slowly chipped away ?
Didn't I use this pic to demonstrate what those that just stood by and did nothing, or followed blindly looked like ?
Hate to say I told you so.
Friday, May 6, 2011
The Praise Goes to Who ?

They have blamed him for everything else, we might as well believe that when the retribution starts it will all be laid at GW's doorstep.

These people are taking a joyride thanks to someone else's plans and policies.

and whatever secret, behind the scenes thing that went on worked.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
When Does The Race Card Get Maxed Out ?
Really Tavis ?
The only thing I agree with here is the fact that the next election will be nasty and ugly. As far as racist, you can be sure the Dems will be flashing the race card at every opportunity
I would really like to know what Joy Bonehead did in a past life to carry this much guilt around that she can defend every action and statement made by Obama.
Whether or not you believe in the birth certificate theories, in my opinion the fact that so much time and energy and money was wasted keeping it out of public view tends to send a message that something is wrong. The same thought goes for College records and writings why work so hard to keep Obama's past and his ideas and values away from the American people ?
How can Joy make the claim about Obama's overwhelming brilliance when she has no clue as to anything he said or wrote while in school ?
Whoopi started out making a good point, and she was on the right track, but lost me when she went off on her tangent saying Trump is causing the rest of the world to laugh at us because he called Obama out over the birth certificate.
Are you kidding me ? After she said herself that if he would have done this a long time ago we would not be going through this Birther ordeal, and admitted Trump deserved some credit, but still had to call the entire thing racial.
Alongside this video, I see this response to Trumps news conference
So this is what it comes down to, our Country will distracted by a race war while China creeps in and takes everything we have, and we slip into a communistic way of life, the end of America, right ?
Let me send a message to Whoppi, and Baratun, and the rest of the idiots that can't help but continue to ride around on that tired old train, it really is time to get off and take a look around.
Our Nation, our Freedom, and our way of life is being attacked from all sides, and allowing people to use racism to keep us from the truth is a tactic the left is using to their advantage.
It does not take courage to point a finger and accuse racism, it takes courage to make a stand knowing you could be labeled a racist, or worse.